Getting Started

Welcome to the FleetMon Developer Getting Started Guide. Here you will learn how to get your API Key, making an API call, how to receive help in case you got stuck and much more.

API Start Guide

API call on a rolling 30 Day Basis

Your number of API calls at FleetMon is based on a sliding window of 30 days. There is no fixed day for resetting limits. Every counted request will be reset after exactly 30 days, so if you do not exceed the number from now back to 30 days you will not experience the outage issue. The sliding window is 30 (days) * 24 (h) * 60 (min) * 60 (sec) seconds (=2.592.000 sec) instead of 30 days.

Note: The actual usage and the remaining number of API calls can also be displayed.

Make an API Call

You can use your API Key to make your first call to the REST API. Here's a little sample code that you can run in your terminal to make a call and list the Vessel Data Basics for the MSC OSCAR.

Code Example (cURL)

# Copy the cURL request below into your Terminal.
# Replace <VESSEL-OBJECT-ID> with the Vessel ID. In case of the MSC OSCAR it is 9532636.
# Replace <API-KEY> with your API Key.
# Run the query to see a response with the Vessel Data Basics for the MSC OSCAR.
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' '<VESSEL-OBJECT-ID>?apikey=<API-KEY>'

Response Code


Response Headers

Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2019 14:04:04 GMT
Server: nginx/1.12.0
Connection: keep-alive
Transfer-encoding: chunked
Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Response Body (JSON)

"ais_type_of_ship": 71,
"ais_type_of_ship_str": "cargo dang. goods cat. A",
"callsign": "3FBT7",
"cn_iso2": "PA",
"cn_name": "Panama",
"fleetmon_url": "",
"image_url": "",
"imo_number": 9703291,
"length": 395,
"mmsi_number": 355906000,
"name": "MSC OSCAR",
"type": "Container ship",
"type_class": "cargo",
"type_code": "CON",
"vessel_id": 9532636,
"width": 59

API Rate Limits

Most of the FleetMon API endpoints have a Rate Limit, which is being negotiated in the contract we make with you. The Vessels in Port endpoint for example has a request limit. By default the request_limit_info Parameter is set to false. If you set it to true you will get the usage statistics for this endpoint.

Response Body (JSON)

"request_limit_info": {
"left_requests": 99999,
"max_requests": 100000,
"used_requests": 1

Response Status Codes

200 OK The request was successfully processed.
201 Created The request has been fulfilled and a new resource has been created.
202 Accepted The request has been accepted, but not yet processed.
303 See Other The response to the request can be found under a different URI in the Location header and can be retrieved using a GET method on that resource.
400 Bad Request

The request was not understood by the server, generally due to bad syntax or because the Content-Type header was not correctly set to application/json.

401 Unauthorized The necessary API Key is not present in the request or are incorrect.
403 Forbidden The server is refusing to respond to the request.
404 Not Found The requested resource was not found but could be available again in the future.
406 Not Acceptable The requested resource is only capable of generating content not acceptable according to the Accept headers sent in the request.
422 Unprocessable Entity The request body was well-formed but contains semantic errors. The response body will provide more details in the errors or error parameters.
429 Too Many Requests The request was not accepted because the application has exceeded the rate limit.
500 Internal Server Error An internal error occurred in FleetMon´s server. Please contact us so that we can can investigate the issue.
501 Not Implemented The requested endpoint is not available. This response may also indicate that this endpoint is reserved for future use.
503 Service Unavailable The server is currently unavailable. Check the status page for reported service outages.
504 Gateway Timeout The request could not complete in time. Try breaking it down in multiple smaller requests.

How you get help

In case you need help with the API, check out the API Reference. If you are still in need for some assistance, just contact us.

How to avoid Error 422 and other HTTP Status Codes.

Check out our MarineTraffic API portfolio

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As you are aware of our migration project of FleetMon into MarineTraffic, we have almost finalized all necessary steps. The discontinuation of all FleetMon product offerings is imminent.

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